Another great Best of Calgary NW outdoor event is set for this weekend as the Mountain Equipment Co-op Bikefest Calgary goes at Edworthy Park on Saturday from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM.
As described by MEC the event is “a daylong community celebration of all things bicycle related. Our goal is to bring together Calgary’s bicycle community and those new to bikes, to celebrate the wonders of cycling. Come join us and make it the best bicycle bash in Calgary.”
Included in the day’s festivities are events and activities for every age and skill level of biking enthusiasts:
- Demo bikes
- Bike decorating crafts for kids
- Free riding clinics with local cycling clubs
- Bike Swap
- Bike tune-ups
- Self-guided cycling scavenger hunt
- 101 info sessions: touring, racing, fitness, etc.
- Prizes (including a MEC skyway bike!)
The event is completely free...unless of course you buy something (come on, nothing is completely free!), and is scheduled to go rain or shine so let’s hope there is more shine than rain. You don’t need to have a bike to participate as there will be bike-less activities and of course demo bikes to take a spin on as well.
For more information about MEC Bikefest Calgary, click on the link below to visit the event page with all the additional details and information.
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